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Heritage Hall Restoration Survey August 2022

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Heritage Hall Restoration Committee Survey

Earlier this year OLCC,P Session in response to the need to assess the major repairs outlined for Heritage Hall approved the formation of a special taskforce to determine the full extent of possible repairs and restorations of the Hall.


Five members of the Church were selected and commissioned: Chair Brenda Starynchak, Dennis Berry, Gordon Steele, Ron Verduin, and Gary Forhan.


This taskforce has been at work gathering information, getting estimates, and receiving assessments. They have listed and reviewed all the possible actions, repairs, restorations and ideas for making the Heritage Hall facility a grand hall for all possible future usages.  Now the taskforce and the Session have a few very important questions for the Congregation.  Your feedback is important in the task of determining the full extent of the restoration.


The survey can be taken here by clicking the  red button below. Paper  survey copies are  available in the Sanctuary area or by clicking the  button below. Please take the time to provide your feedback and tell us what you want.

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