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Congregational Assessment Survey 2018

Thank you for your interest. The survey has closed.

The Session recently agreed to move forward with HolyCow! Consulting to help us plan our future.  The first step in that planning process is to conduct a congregational assessment. This assessment will help provide a clear picture of who we are as a church and what directions are most important for our future.


The tool we'll use is the Congregation Assessment Tool (CAT), which will provide key indicators of our congregational health along with areas of challenge and potential growth. It will help us to collect and understand the range of views that exist at OLCC,P in 2018 along with the possibilities, willingness, capacity and energy for moving our ministry forward into the future, preparing to celebrate our 150th birthday in 2024.

We encourage you to complete the survey online here.  If you would prefer to take the assessment using a paper copy we will provide one for you, along with a pre-addressed stamped return envelope.  Click here to request a paper survey.

It may be tempting to have one person take the survey on behalf of the family.  However, please be sure your spouse and all young adults 16 and older living in your home have an opportunity to complete the survey.  INDIVIDUAL INPUT is key to our gaining insight into overall perceptions and experiences.  You can email the survey link to your family members using the url for this page.  

Please set aside about 25 minutes to answer all the questions.  Do not begin the survey unless you have enough time to complete all questions.  All survey responses are strictly anonymous. The survey will close at 4:00 pm, November 20.

Thank you for your willingness to be a part of this congregational assessment which will help build our future as a faith community!

If you have any questions, please contact:

       Elder Mark Carpenter       248-310-2049

       Elder Jan Forhan                  248-563-7286

       Elder Gordy Steele               248-797-4738

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